Co-creating solutions for everyday challenges
Hal Elrod
"The number one cause of unfulfilled potential is...
never deciding that NOW
matters more than any other time in your life."
Maya Angelou 1928
"We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty."
The Beatles
"There's nowhere you can be
that isn't where you're meant to be."
Life Coaching
No one "needs" coaching. But for those who truly value personal and spiritual growth- I cannot think of a more effective way of flourishing and aligning your life and relationships with the essence of who you already are. Coaching is an investment in YOURSELF.
I think it is best said in the CTA Coaching curriculum, "When two people focus positively on a vision, the result is Synergy - dynamic forward moving energy. This result is more possible with coaching than with many other professional relationships because a coach holds no agenda other than the client's."
Coaching is a co-creative process. I will support you in identifying where you are, where you want to go, and what you need and are willing to do to get there.
I will listen intuitively to hear what you are saying underneath your words. I will encourage you to love yourself well, to set attainable goals, and to take risks. I will ask you powerful questions based on the intention you set for our time together and I will assist you in identifying any blocks or resistance that may be keeping you from moving forward.
Coaching is not therapy. I will not try to fix you. I will not do your work for you. I will, however, walk side by side with you and believe that you have what it takes to get wherever it is that you're going. No one knows the right path for you but you. I see each of my clients as whole and complete people, completely capable of going within and finding their own truth and solutions.